Can You Sue Uber for an Accident? Here’s What to Know

Can You Sue Uber for an Accident? Here’s What to Know

Ridesharing services like Uber have become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, providing a convenient transportation option for millions of people worldwide. However, with the rise in Uber usage, the risk of accidents involving Uber vehicles has also grown. Passengers, drivers, and even bystanders may find themselves in a situation where they have been injured due to an Uber-related incident. In such cases, the question arises: Can you sue Uber for an accident?

Can You Sue Uber for an Accident? Here's What to Know

Understanding the Legal Entitlement to Sue Uber for an Accident

The ability to sue Uber for an accident depends on a variety of factors, including the nature of the incident, the extent of the injuries or damages sustained, and the legal relationship between the parties involved. Uber, as a ridesharing company, has its own insurance policies and liability coverage that may come into play when an accident occurs.

Injured Passenger Lawsuits

Passengers who have been injured while riding in an Uber vehicle may have the legal right to sue Uber for their injuries. Uber’s $1 million liability policy is designed to protect passengers in the event of an accident, providing coverage for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the accident.

When a passenger is injured in an Uber accident, they can typically direct their claims to Uber, as the company’s insurance policy is meant to cover such incidents. However, the process of pursuing a successful lawsuit against Uber can be complex. Uber may try to deny liability or offer a low settlement amount, which may not fully compensate the injured passenger for their losses.

In such cases, it is often advisable for passengers to seek legal representation to ensure their rights are protected and they receive fair compensation. An experienced personal injury attorney can help passengers navigate the legal process, gather evidence to support their claim, negotiate with Uber’s insurance company, and, if necessary, take the case to court.

It is important for passengers who have been injured in an Uber accident to document the details of the incident, seek medical attention promptly, and consult with a lawyer as soon as possible. By taking these steps, passengers can increase their chances of obtaining a favorable outcome in their lawsuit against Uber and recovering the compensation they deserve for their injuries and losses.

Collisions Caused by Uber Driver

When an Uber driver is involved in a collision that causes injury or damage to another party, the liability situation can become more complicated due to various factors. One of the key factors in determining liability is the Uber driver’s status at the time of the accident.

If the Uber driver was off-duty or not actively transporting a passenger at the time of the collision, the claim may need to be directed towards the driver’s personal insurance policy rather than Uber’s coverage. In this scenario, the driver’s personal insurance would typically be responsible for covering any damages or injuries caused by the accident. It’s important for Uber drivers to inform their insurance company that they are using their vehicle for ridesharing purposes to ensure they have the appropriate coverage.

On the other hand, if the Uber driver was actively carrying a passenger at the time of the collision, Uber’s insurance coverage would typically apply. Uber provides a $1 million liability policy that covers bodily injury and property damage to third parties. This coverage kicks in from the moment the driver accepts a ride request until the passenger exits the vehicle.

It’s essential for Uber drivers to understand the terms and conditions of Uber’s insurance coverage to ensure they are adequately protected in the event of an accident. Drivers should also be aware of any additional coverage options available to them, such as comprehensive and collision coverage, which can help cover damages to their own vehicle in the event of an accident.

Successful Uber Lawsuits

Uber accidents, unfortunately, are not uncommon, and there have been several successful lawsuits against the company. These cases often involve passengers sustaining serious injuries or, in some instances, even fatalities. While the details and outcomes of these cases may vary, they provide valuable insights into the types of incidents that can lead to successful Uber-related lawsuits.

Young Child Fatally Injured While Crossing Street

In 2013, a young child was fatally struck by an Uber driver who was not carrying a passenger at the time of the incident. This case highlighted the complexities surrounding Uber’s liability when its drivers are not actively engaged in the ridesharing service. The family of the victim pursued a lawsuit against Uber, leading to a settlement that aimed to address the company’s responsibility for such tragic incidents.

Passengers Sustain Serious Injuries in Collision

In 2015, a doctor and his wife were involved in a collision with an Uber driver, resulting in serious injuries. The couple filed a lawsuit against Uber, alleging that the company was responsible for the driver’s actions and the resulting injuries. The case ultimately led to a settlement, underscoring the importance of Uber’s liability coverage in protecting passengers.

Passenger Injured by Uber Driver

More recently, in 2021, a passenger was injured when an Uber driver prematurely pulled off before the passenger had fully entered the vehicle. The passenger sustained injuries and pursued legal action against Uber, highlighting the company’s responsibility for the safety of its passengers during the entire ride experience.

Proving Fault: Uber’s Liability In Rideshare Accident

Determining Uber’s liability in the event of an accident can be a complex process, as it often depends on the specific circumstances surrounding the incident. One key factor is Uber’s classification of its drivers as independent contractors rather than employees.

Uber’s Classification of Drivers as Independent Contractors

Uber’s designation of its drivers as independent contractors, rather than employees, has implications for the company’s liability in the event of an accident. As independent contractors, Uber drivers are responsible for their own insurance coverage and may have limited legal recourse against the company for accidents that occur while they are off-duty or not actively transporting a passenger.

Uber’s Limited Liability Policy When Driver is Off-Duty

When an Uber driver is off-duty or not actively engaged in a ridesharing trip, Uber’s liability coverage is more limited. In such cases, the driver’s personal insurance policy would typically be the primary source of coverage for any accidents or incidents that occur. Uber’s insurance may only come into play in certain circumstances, such as when the driver’s personal coverage is insufficient or unavailable.

Understanding Uber’s Insurance Policies

Uber’s insurance policies play a crucial role in determining the company’s liability in the event of an accident. The level of coverage and the circumstances surrounding the incident can significantly impact the ability to seek compensation from Uber.

Uber Driver is “Off-the-Clock”

When an Uber driver is not actively engaged in a ridesharing trip, their personal auto insurance policy is the primary coverage in the event of an accident. This means that if the driver gets into an accident while driving for personal reasons, such as running errands or commuting to their day job, their personal auto insurance will be the first line of defense in terms of covering damages and liabilities.

It’s important for Uber drivers to understand this distinction and ensure that they have adequate personal auto insurance coverage in place. Without the proper coverage, they could be left financially vulnerable in the event of an accident.

Uber does provide insurance coverage for its drivers, but the extent of coverage depends on the driver’s status at the time of the accident. When a driver is actively engaged in a ridesharing trip, Uber’s insurance typically kicks in to provide coverage for liability, collision, and comprehensive damages. However, when the driver is offline or waiting for a ride request, Uber’s insurance may only provide limited coverage, if any.

To bridge the gap between personal auto insurance and Uber’s coverage, many insurance companies offer ridesharing insurance policies specifically designed for drivers who use their personal vehicles for commercial purposes. These policies can provide additional coverage during periods when the driver is logged into the ridesharing app but not actively on a trip.

Uber Driver is Available but Between Rides

When an Uber driver is available on the app and waiting for a ride request, but not actively transporting a passenger, they are considered to be in what is known as Period 1. During this period, Uber’s insurance policy may provide coverage, but it is typically more limited compared to when the driver is actively transporting a passenger.

Uber’s insurance policy during Period 1 usually includes:

  1. Contingent liability coverage: Uber provides third-party liability coverage if the driver’s personal auto insurance does not cover an accident while the driver is waiting for a ride request. This coverage helps protect the driver and others in case of property damage or bodily injury caused by the driver while they are online and available on the app.
  1. Contingent comprehensive and collision coverage: Uber also offers coverage for physical damage to the driver’s vehicle if the driver has collision and comprehensive coverage on their personal auto insurance policy. This coverage helps pay for repairs or replacement of the driver’s vehicle in case of an accident, vandalism, or theft during Period 1.

It’s important to note that the coverage provided by Uber’s insurance policy during Period 1 may have limits and deductibles that the driver should be aware of. Drivers should review their own personal auto insurance policy and Uber’s insurance policy to understand the extent of coverage during this period.

If an accident were to occur during Period 1, the driver should report the incident to Uber and their personal auto insurance company as soon as possible to initiate the claims process. It is recommended that drivers keep detailed records of the incident, including photos, witness statements, and any other relevant information to support their claim.

Uber Driver is Carrying a Passenger

When an Uber driver is actively transporting a passenger, Uber’s $1 million liability policy provides coverage for bodily injury and property damage caused to third parties in the event of an accident. This means that if the Uber driver is at fault in an accident while transporting a passenger, the $1 million policy will cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage for the injured parties.

This liability coverage is crucial as it not only protects the passengers inside the Uber vehicle but also extends to other parties involved in the accident, such as pedestrians or occupants of other vehicles. In the unfortunate event of an accident, this policy helps ensure that all affected parties receive the necessary financial support to cover their damages and losses.

Uber’s $1 million liability policy is designed to provide comprehensive protection and peace of mind for both passengers and other individuals who may be impacted by an accident involving an Uber vehicle. It demonstrates Uber’s commitment to safety and responsibility, as well as its recognition of the potential risks associated with providing transportation services.

How to Prove Fault after an Uber Accident

Proving fault and establishing Uber’s liability in the event of an accident can be a complex process. It often requires a thorough investigation, gathering of evidence, and the assistance of legal professionals.

Navigating the Aftermath of an Uber Accident

In the unfortunate event of an Uber-related accident, documenting the incident thoroughly is crucial for various reasons. By taking the necessary steps to gather evidence and information, victims can protect their rights and ensure they receive the compensation they deserve for any injuries or damages sustained.

One of the first things to do after an Uber accident is to take photographs of the scene. This includes capturing images of the vehicles involved, any visible damage, road conditions, traffic signs, and any other relevant factors that may have contributed to the accident. These photos can serve as valuable evidence when determining liability and assessing the extent of the damages.

It is also important to obtain the driver’s information, including their name, contact details, license plate number, and insurance information. Additionally, collecting contact information from any witnesses present at the scene can help corroborate your account of the accident and strengthen your case.

Seeking immediate medical attention is another critical step following an Uber accident. Even if injuries appear minor at first, some symptoms may not manifest until later on. By seeing a healthcare professional promptly, you not only prioritize your well-being but also establish a clear record of the injuries resulting from the accident. This documentation can be essential when seeking compensation for medical expenses and other damages.

Furthermore, it is advisable to report the accident to Uber through the app or customer service hotline. This ensures that the company is aware of the incident and can initiate any necessary investigations or insurance claims. Keeping a record of all communication with Uber and other parties involved in the accident is also recommended.

Importance of Seeking Legal Counsel

Uber accident cases can be quite complex due to various factors such as determining liability, dealing with insurance companies, and understanding the legal nuances involved. When a person is involved in an Uber accident, they may not know where to turn or how to proceed in order to protect their rights and seek compensation for their injuries and damages.

This is why it is highly recommended for victims of Uber accidents to seek the assistance of a qualified personal injury attorney. These legal professionals specialize in handling cases involving personal injury claims, including those related to ridesharing services like Uber. They have the knowledge and experience to navigate the legal system, understand the intricacies of Uber’s insurance policies, and advocate on behalf of the victim to ensure they receive the full compensation they are entitled to.

One of the key aspects of Uber accident cases is determining liability. In these cases, liability can fall on the Uber driver, another driver involved in the accident, or even Uber itself. A skilled personal injury attorney will investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident, gather evidence, and determine who should be held responsible for the victim’s injuries and damages.

Additionally, dealing with insurance companies can be a daunting task for someone who is not familiar with the process. Uber has specific insurance policies that apply to accidents involving their drivers, but navigating these policies and negotiating with the insurance providers can be challenging. A personal injury attorney will have experience working with insurance companies and will know how to negotiate a fair settlement that fully compensates the victim for their losses.

Furthermore, a personal injury attorney can help victims understand their rights and legal options following an Uber accident. They can advise the victim on what steps to take to protect their claim, such as seeking medical treatment, documenting the accident scene, and preserving evidence. The attorney will also handle all communication with the insurance companies and other parties involved, allowing the victim to focus on their recovery.


In conclusion, the ability to sue Uber for an accident depends on a variety of factors, including the specific circumstances of the incident, the extent of the injuries or damages sustained, and the legal relationship between the parties involved. Uber’s insurance policies and the classification of its drivers as independent contractors can significantly impact the liability and compensation available to victims.

While Uber’s $1 million liability policy is designed to protect passengers, the process of pursuing a successful lawsuit against the company can be complex. Seeking the guidance of a skilled personal injury attorney can be crucial in navigating the legal landscape and ensuring that victims receive the compensation they deserve.